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Welcome, Guest · RSS 2024-07-26, 22:42

Main » 2013 » May » 21 » Back online! Hosting provider resolved their issues. Sorry for the site being off for a while.
Back online! Hosting provider resolved their issues. Sorry for the site being off for a while.

They claimed there was DDoS attack on their servers. Hopefully the situation won't repeat.

But fear no more, I've got a backup plan. :-)
Category: Site update | Views: 1556 | Added by: StraySurfologist
Total comments: 1
1 michael Harris  
0 Spam
I love this site, and I was really sad when it went down.

I live and surf on the Toronto Islands, and this and Gavin's webcam are my two go to sites.

Thanks, it makes everything so easy for me.



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