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Main » 2017 » February » 12 » Severe weather, high waves afternoon Grand Haven To Whitehall Mi
Severe weather, high waves afternoon Grand Haven To Whitehall Mi

Grand Haven To Whitehall MI as reported by Weather Underground

... Gale Warning remains in effect from 11 am this morning tomidnight EST tonight... 

* winds... west 10 to 20 knots this morning increasing to northwest gales to 40 knots this afternoon. Wind diminishing to 10 to 20  knots by mid morning Monday.

* Waves... 1 to 3 feet this morning... building to 8 to 12 feet this  afternoon and continuing into this evening before subsiding to 3 to 5 feet Monday morning.

Looks not much interesting at Holland web cam as of 12:30 though.

Category: Surf alert | Views: 1285 | Added by: StraySurfologist
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